Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Man Made Sheep

MG 1/100 Gundam shown for scale.
My fiance, being asian, is a bit crazy for stuffed animals. She's always insisting that I provide her with a stuffed zoo. Being the ambitious DIYer that I am I decided to try my hand at making one myself. Not really adept at sewing it'd still be a bit more special than a store bought animal made in mainland China by a 5 year old with no toys of her own.

Armed some sheep themed flannel laying around, and my great grandmother's Singer sewing machine collecting dust. After a few days, and 4 horribly disfigured cloth sheep later I came up with this; a sheep in sheep's clothing. It needs a set of eyes, a nose, and a stomach staple, but I think it will suffice. (Gundam not actual size)


  1. That's pretty cool, looks professional.

  2. awww its cute! but it looks kinda like a dog in sheep's clothing ..

  3. A sheep in sheep's clothing... lol! Looks good :)

  4. That's one sweet sheep! I wish I had talent to sew, so I create awesome inventions :D

  5. haha i have to admit that is pretty cool! the contrast between it and the gundam is pretty sick to!

  6. That's pretty darn spectacular, friend. I've never been an arts and crafts kinda guy myself, which I've always regretted. If you make any more fancy animals, make sure to post 'em!
    Maybe you could make a hog? I'm kinda partial to hogs.

  7. Oooh, nice Gunpla dude! I've recently gotten into gunpla building myself.

  8. you've done well. i'd treasure that plush sheep if it was given to me as a symbol of love ;D
